Setting Realistic Resolutions for Success
It’s that time of year again to set resolutions. But too often, we set goals that we end up breaking a few days, weeks, or months in. This leads to feelings of discouragement and disappointment, and too often our goals completely crumble as we throw in the towel.
Here are a few tips to set realistic goals that move us forward rather than leave us discouraged:
Start with the vision
What do you want to change or achieve? Imagine what will be different and who you will become when your goal is realized.
Make goals measurable
Consider what criteria and method you will use to track your progress. Clearly being able to see your progress helps you to stay motivated and find value in your efforts.
Set the bar low
When you make a task relatively easy to accomplish, there is a greater likelihood it will happen, which leads to a sense of accomplishment and motivation that keeps you going. It’s easier to start small and gradually increase a goal as you go then it is to set the bar too high and get off track before you’ve even built up momentum.
Leave room for error
Recognize that, at times, life stressors and various obstacles will inevitably get in the way of your ability to meet your goal. Expect some setbacks in order to mitigate the disappointment that depletes energy and enthusiasm.
View goals as fluid rather than concrete
See your initial goal as a starting point that will likely be redefined and shifted as things progress. When you allow for flexibility and permission to tailor your goal to meet your reality, you have a better chance of success.
Aim for progress over perfection
Cut yourself some slack when you get derailed. Rather than focusing on mistakes and setbacks, put your energy into praising yourself for small accomplishments and the ability to pick yourself up and get back on track.
Remember that goals and resolutions are meant to better our lives, not create more stress. When you set goals that are purposeful, realistic, and flexible, you ensure a greater chance of success.
Happy New Year!