Setting Boundaries

Boundary-setting has been a theme this week - both personally and in my work with clients.
Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being, but it’s not something we all explicitly learned to do in childhood.
If we grew up in families where emotional maturity and healthy relationship dynamics weren’t the norm, boundary-setting can be especially challenging and it can take some effort to start setting necessary limits.
Here are some steps toward setting boundaries:
- Know your needs, wants, and limits: Develop self-awareness regarding your needs and wants, and become clear on what limits you need to set (physically, mentally, and emotionally).
- Create distance where necessary: Separate yourself from unhealthy situations and toxic relationships, and refrain from allowing others to control how you think and feel.
- Maintain balance: Spend time with those who enrich your life while also valuing your alone-time and keeping up with your own interests/hobbies.
- Learn from experience: Pay attention to times when you feel hurt, overhwhelmed, or disrespected. Consider whether there are things you could have done to prevent or alter the situation. What boundaries can you set to prevent a recurrence in the future?
- Use affirmations: Repeat mantras such as, “I protect and respect myself,” “I value my needs,” and “I am learning to set limits with others."
- Develop assertiveness skills: Learn ways to communicate your boundaries clearly, directly, and respectfully. Assertiveness is a skill that can be learned!
If you need help with these things, get in touch for more resources.
Remember, setting boundaries is about respecting yourself and teaching others how to treat you so you can be and feel your best. It may take some practice, but setting boundaries is essential for your overall well-being.
Want a quick lesson on boundaries for yourself and your children? Check out this cute little song by Hopscotch: The Boundaries Song